THE HALLELUJAH TRUTH Most people would say that their safe place in life, their soft place in the world is in their home; protected by four walls and a roof and they also hope by their country but I have …
THE HALLELUJAH TRUTH Most people would say that their safe place in life, their soft place in the world is in their home; protected by four walls and a roof and they also hope by their country but I have …
I HAD A NIGHTMARE It was morning, I walked out of my front door into the beautiful, sweet sunlight of what appeared to be another perfect day in God’s perfect creation. I could see the earth from sea to shining …
REACHING OUT REACHING UP This morning I was thinking of some of the richest experiences in my education; the education that came after my public education, my education in the school of reinventing the wheel and reaching for the highest …
WE CAN HAVE IT ALL The fear of God is mankind’s only savior, but modern man has eased our very patient, loving God aside and built one monolith, one graven image, and one golden calf after another right in God’s …
IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE As I recall, growing up in the world, I was always given the message that love comes to me, or you, or anyone else from some pace outside our selves; from another person, a dear pet, …
THE WORD This morning, as usual, I was sitting on my back porch that is wonderfully decorated by my wife, inside and out, with beautiful, delicate flowers and plants, and of course, as usual, I was turning some interesting thoughts …
AWAKENING Again, this morning I awoke in the miracle, in the knowledge of the obvious miracle that is this world, my world, my being, my awareness, my past, my present, and my future. It is Divine. Again, this morning, I …
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CROSS? I had a dream…………. I was trudging up a large mount shaped like a human skull, I felt heavy, filled with pain and sorrow, and I was exhausted. As I reached the wide expanse at …
ORGASM A letter to science It has come to light that science finally understands that there was something or something happened before the Big Bang. So, as a science lover and a lover of God, I felt I should write …
EGO GETS A BAD RAP The Ego is the arbiter, the mediator, the balancer between all the positives and negative strengths or forces in an individual human being. Ego is not a thing, per se, but an expression of who …