THE MYSTERY OF LIFE Mystery is the mother and father of intellect; endlessly spawning life-affirming thoughts and protecting the future of us all from the indifferent winds of ignorance. Jack
THE MYSTERY OF LIFE Mystery is the mother and father of intellect; endlessly spawning life-affirming thoughts and protecting the future of us all from the indifferent winds of ignorance. Jack
LITTLE BIRD I’ve hatched a little allegory I want to share with everyone. Once upon a time the universe, (God) in its power and wisdom began its preparation to bring one more little bird into existence to keep the world …
WITHOUT FAMILY ALL HUMANS WILL PERISH I had a dream about a man in an ancient village, thousands of years ago, toiling over a very crude kiln. He had shut it down, let it cool, and was removing what looked …
SHE MADE ROOM FOR ME I felt I was barely more than nothing; barely more than a clean shirt and a pair of pants but her eyes said something else and I felt some old use to be something move …
CONCRETE AND FAITH In all the travels of my life and the many, many jobs I’ve had from Florida to Oregon and many other places, most of them involved working with concrete. I’ve worked pouring concrete for different kinds of …
THE POWER OF OUR VOTE It’s the election season and the political conventions are raising our political fever even higher than it was four years ago and everyone is realizing more clearly than ever what it means to be an …
I LOVE MY PEOPLE All the people in our lives are much more than just people; they are God appearing to us as aspects of His truth, love, and joy; our incredible relationships of drama and comedy are the theater …
LANGUAGE AND REALITY “Scientific fact”, or “scientifically proven” ………. How many times do we hear or read these phrases in an advertisement for a product or a service? How many times have we been cowed by some authoritative person in …
THE JESUS CHRIST POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Every morning, the first thing I do before I even open one eye or put one foot on the floor is check and made sure The Jesus Christ Power and Light Company is …
I WANT YOU TO KNOW Early in my young adulthood, I reached a daunting, fateful crossroad; I was a physically powerful young man but confounded and bewildered by a frightening lack of self-worth. I was suffering mightily from being revealed …