CHANCE OR DESIGN O’ Man, is God as smart as you? When a novelist or playwright tells a story or when a director of a movie or TV show interprets a screenplay for the greatest benefit of his audience, we …
CHANCE OR DESIGN O’ Man, is God as smart as you? When a novelist or playwright tells a story or when a director of a movie or TV show interprets a screenplay for the greatest benefit of his audience, we …
SQUARE THE CIRCLE The circle is one of the ultimate symbols in nature and our consciousness…….. Our awareness begins before our actual birth and upon our entry into the physical world, it continues to expand in a growing circle for …
SOLID ILLUSIONS The most solid deterrents in our life are the illusions in our life; they are the brick walls we hit and the chains we allow to bind our arms, our legs, our creativity, and our will; however, we …
GOD LOVES TODDLERS There is only one picture more beautiful than a parent helping their toddler learn to eat, learn to manage their baby utensils, and get more on their face and in their hair than in their mouth, or …
TWENTY TWENTY A little believe it or not: You know this year, 2020, is feeling strange and I’ve been thinking, maybe we don’t need to see as clearly as we thought we did or dreamed about, or need to see …
BE PATIENT JACK A DREAM: I had a dream where I was sitting at a crudely built table in a shoddy old cottage and I could feel and hear what seemed to be a great, cosmic ocean all around me. …
GRAINS OF SAND There are as many unique lives to be lived as there are grains of sand on all the beaches and all the deserts on all the planets in God’s infinite creation and He will be there with …
FAITH OVER VIRUS I was standing in my kitchen this morning with my thyroid pill in my left hand and a brimming glass of pure, dazzling water in my right. The sweet, clean sunshine coming through the windows struck the …
QUARANTINE Are we humans in a physical quarantine from the virus or are we in quarantine from the unholiness of the world to confront a spiritual virus in our soul? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This morning I’ve been sitting here in my office …
WHERE ARE WE REALLY GOING Humans always have the feeling that we are going somewhere; that we came from somewhere mysterious when we were born and that we are going somewhere mysterious when we die…………. However, when we examine the …