ONE DROP OF HIS BLOOD Consider that there isn’t enough water here on earth to even dampen the tips of God’s fingers; so, when we’re taking a long, leisurely, luxurious bath, think about what His incredible gifts to us here …
ONE DROP OF HIS BLOOD Consider that there isn’t enough water here on earth to even dampen the tips of God’s fingers; so, when we’re taking a long, leisurely, luxurious bath, think about what His incredible gifts to us here …
OPEN MIND OPEN HEART The sun, the moon, and the stars are street lights on man’s path to god and love is the bright center line. Jack
SOWING SEEDS Over the rim of my coffee mug, I saw that my wife’s flower seeds were sprouting in an old egg flat sitting in the sun here on the back porch; another grandstand of gorgeous flowers will grace our …
WILL THE GATES OPEN FOR ME? The gates of heaven will open wide for me, only, when God and I peer into my gnarled, weathered, Christ sustained heart and soul and find that the indispensable keys of wisdom, forgiveness, and …
AMERICA Much more than a time and a place, America is an opportunity to have a personal, miraculous experience with God, be it material or spiritual. Jack
GOD, THE SCULPTOR I am a block of spiritual granite and my life is the divine, artistic process of God revealing my perfection, my oneness with Him; sculpting away the stone-hard fears and doubts that restrict and bind me; to …
A PERFECT WORLD Everything I see in my life is perfect; everything that happens to me happens exactly like it’s supposed to happen; this is God’s perfect world. How could any aware human think that they could see any imperfections …
FRANKIE AND ME There are a lot of old memories buried in me and sometimes one of them will push forward and over a few days or weeks will repeatedly appear in full detail and color like a rich, classic, …
A ONE OF A KIND METAPHOR This morning when I walked outside, both my eyes were almost knocked right out of my head by the stupendous star, our sun that lords over us; it’s amazing, fantastic brightness is absolutely indescribable, …
WAS IT WORTH IT? Is this soul-wrenching experience we call life worth it? In our youth, before we reach the next great phases of life we read about them and then after we’ve lived those phases we reflect on them; …