WITH THE MIND OF CHRIST There is a highly respected ancient quote that says: “knowledge is pain.” I would add that………. Our personal knowledge is a field of pain, grief, and growth that must be crossed to gain wisdom which …
WITH THE MIND OF CHRIST There is a highly respected ancient quote that says: “knowledge is pain.” I would add that………. Our personal knowledge is a field of pain, grief, and growth that must be crossed to gain wisdom which …
BY THE HOLY SPIRIT By the Holy Spirit of God, I have become the bloom of humanity; by the Holy Spirit of God, I have become the petals of all mankind. By the Holy Spirit of God, I have become …
BEETLES ROCK AND THEY ROLL Many years ago, when I was a kid in South Georgia, I and many other kids would catch a certain kind of beetle known as the Dung Beetle and make very entertaining toys out of …
The spiritually blind can never find God, but when granted spiritual vision by the grace of God they see nothing but God. Jack
WHAT A SHAME ………. “Shh,” Alice shushed her twin brother as she pulled him down behind the deck chairs. “Look at our new neighbors, look what they’re doing right out there on their back porch.” Holy cow, holy cow,” Danny …
THANK YOU, MISTER OCTOPUS Yesterday, I saw a video about Octopus. I’ve always been both intrigued and creeped out by this unique, incredible animal; however, this video healed me of the creepiness I’ve always felt. The researchers filmed them in …
HOLY FATHER Every word, punctuation mark, and number lay lifeless and exhausted before me. Every concept, every carefully crafted work of logic weeps defeated, sprawled on the earth wanting; Every color, form, and musical note hangs dull and anemic, unrealized; …
SALUTE AND PRAISE The wave is not a wave, it is a salute to the mighty ocean. A star is not a star, it is a salute to the infinite cosmos. The mountain is not a mountain, it is a …
TRY, TRY AGAIN The carnival was teaming around the fantastic roller coaster, one of the largest and most frightening in the world. The cars came flying, screaming down from the soaring height of four hundred feet in the air at …
WE LOVERS OF TRUTH We lovers of truth underestimate the power of Jesus Christ and even God Almighty because we overestimate the illusions of evil. ++++ If God be with us, who can be against us? Romans, 8:31 Jack