BE WISE A wise man once said, “It’s gonna be what it’s gonna be” and it turned out he was right because it is what it is. So, be wise, and where God puts a period don’t try to replace …
BE WISE A wise man once said, “It’s gonna be what it’s gonna be” and it turned out he was right because it is what it is. So, be wise, and where God puts a period don’t try to replace …
THE GIFT OF MY ADDICTION My life has been about addiction; I spent the first half getting addicted to everything and the second half in recovery from these addictions and receiving all the gifts it ultimately brings me. From the …
THE FIRST CHURCH This morning I was thinking about what the first church might have been like, and my thoughts brought up both grave and exhilarating images. Was the first church in a garden where the peace and glory of …
IF IT WASN’T FOR BAD LUCK ………… There’s an old blues song that says, “If it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have no luck at all”; that’s exactly how I felt after several very hectic months in my new …
OH BOY! . . . . ANOTHER INJUSTICE! Scene: Two topless women getting ready to go the topless pride parade. First woman: Well that does it! I’m not going to the parade! Second woman: Why? First woman: I don’t have …
WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? I settled right back into my life in Tallahassee. Everything felt so good. I was back on my feet and the self-doubt and condemnation were pushed to the back of my mind. I probably even …
KINGS, QUEENS, AND FOOLS There are no great men or women; there are only men and women who become great instruments of God. Jack
INCREASED CONTROL EQUALS DECREASED FAITH When we relinquish our power and yield to those in our lives and our society that are constantly pushing to control us we lose our FAITH and confidence in ourselves in direct proportion to how …
NOT IN A GOOD PLACE All God’s creatures love and need healthy self-expression. Everyone from snakes to humans loves to play, expressing their joy of just being. The males will strut and the females will preen and prance. Actually, it’s …
PATIENTS AND FAITH WITH A TOUCH OF HUMOR I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve been reading the Psalms lately, and unlike other times when I’ve read them, I’ve noticed how much King David complains, I guess being a king …