TALLAHASSEE BOUND I watched the landmarks I knew so well passing by on the road from Tampa to Tallahassee and savored the gratitude I was feeling for what Keith was doing for me; tomorrow, I would be set up with …
TALLAHASSEE BOUND I watched the landmarks I knew so well passing by on the road from Tampa to Tallahassee and savored the gratitude I was feeling for what Keith was doing for me; tomorrow, I would be set up with …
FIND THE RIVER AND FEEL THE FLOW The only way I can really experience the amazing and beautiful river is when I’m flowing with it; Just as the only time I can experience the deeper beauty and flow of my …
I LOVE A GOOD MOVIE I love Richard Bach’s book, ILLUSIONS, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. I think my favorite theory put forth by the Reluctant Messiah in this little story is that our lives, yours and mine, are …
THANK YOU BROTHER The only reasons I can remember for keeping track of the days of the week at the slaughterhouse was that Saturday was payday and Sunday was my day off; 6 AM to 6 PM six days a …
SHOW AND TELL I had a dream that I went to an island named Earth to learn the meaning of life. I was given two teachers. The first was named Articulate. He expounded on how to ingest and regurgitate endless …
FOLLOW THE LIGHT Out of destruction comes light; the nuclear fission of hydrogen into helium at the center of the sun gives birth to a human or an orchid on earth; the magical photon comes to earth and combines with …
GET OFF THE FLOOR JACK Today, continuing on with my little autobiography is proving very difficult. This part of the story is one of the absolute lowest points of my life. Revealing the detailed collapse of my, here- to- fore, …
REMEMBER FALLING IN LOVE? When you fall in love, at what point does the arrow pierce your heart and forever change your life? Cupid strikes when you and your thoughts are going somewhere else; when you’re not ready, when you’re …
SHOW BIZZ AND SCIENCE I’ve been checking out the new science shows on TV. They still impart a lot of fascinating information about our solar system, the galaxies, and the universe, but it’s very noticeable that they’re infusing much more …
RAGING EGO, RAGING CHRIST Is this battle eternal??? I was too exhausted to dwell on the humiliation I was being forced to gulp down every day of my present life. I would drag myself from my bed, more exhausted than …