SWEET OR BITTER Many things are very obvious in life, but personally, I had to be kicked in the head and heart many times before the obvious dawned on me. One of these little realizations for me was that you …
SWEET OR BITTER Many things are very obvious in life, but personally, I had to be kicked in the head and heart many times before the obvious dawned on me. One of these little realizations for me was that you …
AM I WORTHY OF GOD’S GIFTS? My prayers are not directed to God, they are to me first asking me to let God answer my prayers. God already knows what I need and what I want and is gratified if …
WHERE’S MY DIGNITY? It was my first day on my new job and appropriately I had arrived well ahead of the owners. I knew these two men pretty well; they were both big FSU football boosters. At first, I felt …
WHAT IS LIFE? Life is living arm in arm with God 24/7—- good, bad or asleep until we learn that we’re the teacher’s pet. We may not prefer to kneel and say it, but we know that we could not …
KEEPING THE LID ON IN TALLAHASSEE Keeping my mind on my book after a couple of hours got pretty difficult. Mr. Rollo May, a highly esteemed existential psychologist at the time was, I hoped, going to help me figure out …
TIMING: MYSTERY, MATHEMATICS OR BOTH? Timing is such a simple thing to recognize, to feel. I remember the good feeling when a friend taught me how to time the engine in my car. I remember the wonderful expansion of my …
AT HOME IN TALLAHASSEE The job wasn’t what I had envisioned, but I didn’t care. I was back in Tallahassee and that was magic to me. I felt renewed like I was on a great adventure, I was very grateful. …
THE GREATEST PLEASURE OF ALL The pleasures of life are endless; like seeing millions of bright green, spring leaves waving to me from the trees in my backyard or the sweetness and joy shining from a child’s eyes before she …
BIG BROTHER IN TALLAHASSEE I was feeling both excitement and dread as I turned into Keith’s driveway right by a couple of big pine trees that always helped me locate the break in the fence line. The dread was because …
UNDERSTANDING THE RULES OF LIFE If all the rules in your world are breaking before they’ll bend, you’re probably a religious fanatic. If you’re breaking all the rules and no one has complained, you’re probably marooned on the tiniest, uninhabited …