THE MYSTERY LADY As good fortune would have it there were some very good bookstores in the Tampa Bay area. I found a fantastic one just across the bay in St Petersburg. It was a world of books, books on …
THE MYSTERY LADY As good fortune would have it there were some very good bookstores in the Tampa Bay area. I found a fantastic one just across the bay in St Petersburg. It was a world of books, books on …
KEEP A TRUE LIGHT ON THE PATH We don’t record every detail of history, that we can, to relive it; we use history to create a light to shine on our path into the future, so woe unto them who …
TAMPA, FLOWERS, BOOKS AND BEER I thought that when I got back to Tampa I would know where to start dealing with my life, but that was very naive of me. I was totally powerless over my ex-wife and her …
HERE AM I LORD There’s a little dog living in my house that reminds me of me. He’s not my dog; he belongs to my stepdaughter who lives with us. All day long this little dog’s constant concern is staying …
THE SPACE BETWEEN THE NOTES Of all the great and beautiful things I’ve learned in my life, by very large measure, most of them have come after college. One particular pearl that stands out so clearly, probably, in part, because …
I couldn’t find a good picture of the wizard peeping out from behind the curtain or the good old reliable frog to introduce this announcement. However, the old steadfast Bear agreed to do it. I had two nicknames in college, …
WILL THE HUMAN BRAIN EVER FIND THE ANSWER? Apparently, our ancestors have been climbing up on mountains and gazing at stars ever since they climbed down out of the trees and began looking for a clue about what was going …
LIFE — PROTECT IT, EXAMINE IT, LIVE IT If I don’t own my life someone or something else will, and I will be like an aimless leaf tossed in the wind. If I don’t respect my life no one or …
FROM LAS VEGAS BACK TO TAMPA It’s twenty-three hundred miles from Las Vegas Nevada to Tampa Florida which gave me plenty of time to think about how I was going to handle showing back up. I came up with nothing …
NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT Just because you realized today that God is 10 times greater than you ever thought, don’t be surprised if you realize that God is even 10 times greater than that tomorrow, and again the …