MY VEXING MUSE Glimpse me, pray to me, Beseech me. I am real. Dream of me, search for me. Wake in your drubbing day and cry For me to come. I watch you in turmoil, watch You sick in the …
MY VEXING MUSE Glimpse me, pray to me, Beseech me. I am real. Dream of me, search for me. Wake in your drubbing day and cry For me to come. I watch you in turmoil, watch You sick in the …
MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE? This morning as I watched the wind move through the trees and animate the leaves into a beautiful dance that reminded me of my grandchildren’s dance recitals, my enlivened mind quickly presented me with pictures …
WORDS OF LOVE I love the wonderful passage by Saint Paul in the 13th chapter of Corinthians that describes what love is. (The New Revised Standard version of the Bible) Most Christians know this passage well: Love is patient and …
LOVE MAKES MUSIC Love is a marvelous symphony when there is music in the bedroom and then singing in the shower. Jack
IT’S EASTER, GOD STILL LOVES US For the past couple of days I’ve been thinking about love and what it is; I guess because of Easter. Like everyone else, I’ve wrestled with this question since I learned to think about …
WINE ANYONE? Studying the history of mankind is like watching fruit fermenting in a tub to make homemade wine; it’s a potent mix, but it looks like nothing good is ever gonna come of it. Jack
A LITTLE COSMIC STORY OF LOVE Once long, long ago I went for a walk in the universe and had a big idea. So, I gathered up Zillions and Zillions of dust particles in my hands and squeezed and squeezed …
DO OLD MEMORIES EVER DIE? Yesterday, I was caught off guard by an old song and all the bittersweet memories came rushing up from somewhere inside of me. I felt the good part first, but then came the pain. I …
WE ARE THE MUSIC IN A COSMIC BAND Bands come and go, but the music goes on forever. Lovers come and go, but the love goes on forever. Nations come and go, but the human community goes on and on …
A LITTLE LIGHT, SELF–REVELATION I love my dreams even when they scare the bejeezus out of me, like trying to save a woman at the end of the world while cavemen were trying to kill me or the one about …