THE BLOODSTREAM OF AMERICA I was standing in my back yard this morning in the cold, crisp, dry air, and I could hear the steady droning sound of the interstate being magnified just a mile across the woods from my …
THE BLOODSTREAM OF AMERICA I was standing in my back yard this morning in the cold, crisp, dry air, and I could hear the steady droning sound of the interstate being magnified just a mile across the woods from my …
WHEN YOU LOVE SOMEONE Once there was a young frog who lived in a pond across the road from the home of a young man named George. George loved Elvis Presley and late in the day, he loved to take …
SCARS AND FOREGIVNESS I was poking through the back corner of my garage today and came across an old scared up wooden table I’ve had forever. As I ran my hands over the table and traced the scars with my …
n the Christian Bible, God is asked in Psalm 8:4, “What is man that thou art mindful of him?” That was a very valid question at that time and an even more valid question today when we consider how much …
ASK ANY SEED I ask the seed, “Why do you sprout and grow”? And the seed said, “I have no choice, I am a seed”. I ask the earth, ”Why do you produce this endless supply of animals and plants”? …
THE SOLE AUTHOR OF DREAMS Big dreams are the building blocks of civilizations, But the stumbling blocks of fools. Big dreams are the blueprints of empires; But in the end only fading prints in the sands of time. Are we …
CATERPILLARS …….YUCK A few weeks ago I watched my neighbor next door studying several big fat caterpillars devouring milkweed in her butterfly garden. A couple of weeks later she was pointing out to me butterfly chrysalises hanging around the garden …