WHO’S IN CHARGE OF YOUR WORLD People say, if there was truly a loving God, we wouldn’t see all the horrors that we see in our world every day, He wouldn’t allow it. Wrong, God doesn’t control it, we control …
WHO’S IN CHARGE OF YOUR WORLD People say, if there was truly a loving God, we wouldn’t see all the horrors that we see in our world every day, He wouldn’t allow it. Wrong, God doesn’t control it, we control …
EVER-PRESENT LOVE Every morning when I awake, there before me and within me, on a brilliant sun-filled day or an overcast, dark cloudy day, is the love of God. I call out to Him and I feel His love completely …
One MAN’S WOLF MOON A couple of nights ago, I was taking the trash and the recycle bin out to the curb and looked up at a huge, yellow moon breaking out above the woods to the east of my …
STRUGGLE, OR THE GIFT OF LOVE Are the struggles of our birth, the struggles of our life, the struggles in our death, and the struggles of every living and dying thing in all our reality a reflection of Man’s struggle …
I was one drop of love in a river of confusion and yet another drop of love found me and we are two drops of love and yet we are one, and another drop of love found us and we …
Gravity, physical or spiritual must be respected or our plans in life will be short-lived if they get off the ground at all. If we’re only erecting a nice camping tent on a camping trip we better have a sturdy …
YADDA, YADDA, YADDA Yesterday, I was listening to a highly acclaimed, brilliant, intellectual, genius pontificating at length on his views of what’s what in the world. After a while, even though I had no problem following his reasoning, he began …
YOU CAN’T LIE TO LOVE Be careful what is claimed as love; it is a truth too precious to be slandered and your soul will bear the consequences. Jack
ABIDING TRUTH AND LOVE God has never created anything, God just is. God is the infinite, timeless, unalterable truth that is revealed to you and me through you and me, the body of Christ. We are the eternal, daily instrument …
OH, YES, I’LL BE READY FOR YOU, ASAP In what seems to be a population, whose rich, gorgeous culture is inevitably disappearing into the computer, technology age, small-town America still loves its classified ads, especially personal ads, which are, at …